Call for System Demonstrations
The 18th International Conference on Automated Planning and Scheduling
(ICAPS'08) will include a session of systems demonstrations to showcase
the latest planning and scheduling products and research projects.
ICAPS'08 will bring together hundreds of active researchers and innovators
from around the world, representing academia, business, and government.
The systems demonstrations event is an opportunity for live interactive
demonstrations with this audience in a relaxed social setting. We invite
applications for demonstrations from both commercial organizations and
research groups including people who have papers accepted at ICAPS'08.
To demonstrate a system at this session, participants are requested to
apply by sending an email to system demonstrations chair. The following
information must be provided:
- The title of the System Demonstration.
- Names, affiliations, addresses, phone numbers, and email addresses
of all authors.
- A paper, in PDF format describing the major properties and
contributions implemented in the system.
Papers should not exceed 4 pages in the AAAI style, which is
also used for the main conference papers.
- A demo storyboard containing between 5 and 10 slides including
screen dumps, also in PDF format.
Demonstration submissions will be evaluated on the basis of their innovation,
relevance and scientific contribution.
Commercial products are strongly encouraged and we acknowledge that certain
technical details may not be possible to discuss with attendees due to
intellectual property right issues.
Internet access will be provided, but ICAPS will not provide any computer
equipment. Presenters must bring laptops for giving demonstrations. They
are also encouraged to prepare posters explaining their systems, to be
displayed in the demonstration area. Demo storyboards will be shown
repeatedly during the session.
Important Dates
- Paper submission: June 13, 2008
- Paper notification: July 11, 2008
- Camera ready copy due: August 23, 2008
System Demonstrations Chair